Our Projects
Bee Sensitization Talks
Bee sensitization talks are delivered to urban residents who often face bee-human conflicts. These talks will enable people to understand conflict better and possible humane mitigation.

Beekeeping Training for Beginners
The right way of understanding bees starts when you start beekeeping. One day introductory training program will be organised once in 45 days. Date and venue will be finalized after confirmation of 40 participants. To register for this event click here.
Capacity Building in Bee-keeping
Dantewada: We are working with 80 tribal families to develop a sustainable tribal beekeeping project since 2017. We have an initial success when tribal women SHGs involved in beekeeping and harvested twice. More skills are being developed by bringing them to our farms at Bangalore as an exposure.
Coorg: Because of losses occurred during heavy rains at Coorg, many people have lost their lands and their crops. There is a depression about agricultural activities and its respective confidence level towards continuing the agricultural activities. With association of Kinder Trust and Department of horticulture,Government of Karnataka, we have given 100 beekeeping units to 5 beneficiaries as a pilot run. We are following up with the farmers to develop skills in order to harvest a sustainable quantity of honey and most importantly to bring back glorious days of beekeeping at Coorg.